Is your site Solar ready?

Proper site survey for solar installation!

Site Survey is an essential consideration for Solar System Installation and it possess significant information regarding indigenous conditions and physical details of the site.

The information that accumulates through a site survey cover all the aspects of the location that authorize the solar system installation. Site survey enables solar engineers to properly prepare and manage the design, plan and estimation for the solar system. Hence, the overall perception of the project will be clear for achieving optimum results.

The main objectives of a site survey for Solar Power Plants System are:

  • Local atmospheric conditions.
  • Physical particulars of the site.
  • Ensure a site is free from shade due to obstacles such as water tanks, AC units, staircase, tall tree, etc.
  • Proper access for maintenance at the site.
  • Suitable co-ordination to the sun.
  • Attain dimensions of the roof construction.
  • Visuals of the installation.
  • The customer’s power consumption requirements.
  • Size of the property’s main electrical services.
  • Location of the electrical point of connections.
  • Best spots for mounting electrical components.
  • Condition of roofing and structural support.

On the basis of site’s model, site surveys are done manually by Icon Energy skilled engineers for the solar system designing and installation. A site survey involves an inspection of the area of installation of solar panels to see if whether the proposed site is appropriate or not.

At the time of examining your potential site, Icon Energy, Being as an expert solar installer principally check for whether the roof will be able to support the extra weight of the solar system or not, and other factors are being followed or not during the Sun peak hours.

We carry out quicker, safer, accurate and cost effective site survey. If you are having additional requests you can consult us.


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